2020 HECA Annual Conference


You won’t want to miss it!


Meet the New HECA

Modern. Refined. Bold. Progressive. Professional.

The Problem

The Old HECA

The Problem:

HECA’s overall presentation appears neglected and unqualified. The current website lacks functionality and usability for its members and admins.


Wild Apricot web builder platform prevents HECA from portraying a premium brand image. Out-dated web standards and inconsistent branding detract from HECA’s overall relevancy and credibility.


Content is redundant and lost within an unnavigable maze of pages. Member resources are lacking, outdated, cluttered, difficult to access and widely unused. Members and external audiences find it difficult to locate information that should be easily obtainable.


Web analytics are unavailable or unutilized. SEO is underdeveloped. IECA consistently outranks HECA when searching for Higher Education Consultants. More vendors and services are being used than necessary, resulting in higher operating costs and increased management confusion.


HECA has been unable to garnish any engagement or gain any traction online. The narrow reach is due to an inability to create exciting content or implement industry secrets that exploit the power of the internet and social media.

The Problem
The Solution

Enter D2D4

The Solution:

D2D4’s all-inclusive practice will cohesively upgrade HECA’s overall and perceived value. HECA’s website is a primary component of the Association’s overall operations and will be built to function as a valuable asset, sales tool and exemplary representation of the Association.

Professional Design

D2D4 will design and develop a professional website and online presence that builds onto HECA’s premium revamped branding with a consistent level of quality and creativity.

Dynamic Website

Developed on the WordPress platform, the new website will provide Future-Ready Flexibility and be integrated with the existing Wild Apricot Membership Management system. Modern web tech allows for a website that provides many layers of visual interest.

Membership Management

A new membership management platform option will be developed along with the new site in order to weigh the pros and cons of each system before a decision is made to make a switch. A highly functional and manageable system is critical to HECA’s success; a professional appearance is paramount for future growth.

Future-Ready Flexibility

Future-Ready Flexibility gives the new website the ability to evolve as best web practices advance and as the Association grows. Membership management platform flexibility gives the association options if it is decided to make a switch. Future-proof means your investment will serve as a foundation for the many years that follow.

Content Creation

D2D4 will unveil the new website in Denver at the conference. A webinar will later be available for those who were unable to attend. Professional photography and corporate promo video, created during the Denver conference, will be added to the website and online profiles after the initial launch. Proprietary content that truly portrays HECA’s message, is fundamental to building a credible brand.

Experienced Guidance

Just as HECA’s members help guide their students to a path for a successful future, D2D4 leads clients to prosperity through an all-inclusive implementation of proven techniques, problem solving, creativity, and solid design.

Video Engagement

Video has the power to communicate a brand’s message, unlike any other medium. D2D4 collaborates with award-winning Hollywood professionals to deliver videos that encapsulate the essence of their subject.

Results Driven Marketing

Bolstering HECA’s online presence is a priority after the rollout of the new branding. Equipped with industry secrets and experience gained since Facebook was Ivy League only, D2D4 will exponentially grow HECA’s online following.

Ongoing Support

As the revamped branding development continues through updated printed collateral and marketing materials, additional design services will be provided to ensure consistency. Support and maintenance for the new website will be provided through 2020.

The Solution
The Problem

Video With Impact


The Problem

2020: Pathway To A New HECA

Schedule of Deliverables

Key Deadlines and Project Progress Tracking

January 9th

Review New Branding & Visual Presentation

February 28th

Slug Design Files for Event

March 5th

Splash Page for Conference App

February / March / April

Structure & Content Procurement

February / March / April

Additional Marketing Materials & Web Profile Updates

February / March / April

Website Development, Membership Management Integration, System Improvements

May 1st

Beta Release For Review & Functionality Testing

June 15th - 19th

Denver Conference Website Presentation

June 15th - 19th

Professional Photography (Event Candids, Headshots and Group Photos, Content Creation for Website & All Promotional Uses), Corporate Promo Video Production

June / July

Content Editing, Website & Profile Updates

July - December

Further Buildout of Alternate Membership Management Platform & Possible Transfer

July - December

Ongoing Support of Website and Marketing Efforts
